Monday, November 30, 2009

"Operation Intervention"

I recently came across an article in the Austin American-Statesman on Governor Rick Perry’s Operation Intervention. Up until this point I had no idea what this Operation Intervention was about but as I kept reading it all made sense. To explain to anyone, who like me had no idea any of this existed, Operation Intervention is basically Gov. Perry’s way of trying to get U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison out of the governor race. The way he plans to do this is by “persuading” Sen. Hutchison’s supporters into joining his effort. Well isn’t this a coincidence we are only a few days from the filing period to begin and now is when Gov. Perry is trying to convince others to join his effort. He has had enough time to try and convince them but has done nothing. This is just another last moment effort to try and confuse voters or make them uncertain if they are making the right choice or not. Although many might say that it doesn’t make a difference because Sen. Hutchison is already unsure of whether she would even run for governor this is beyond the case. The point that I want to make is if this was really in the best interest of Texas citizens then why wouldn’t this have been proposed sooner rather than less than a week before the filing period. However, as all of us know most of the political actions are taken right before deadlines to make our politicians make themselves look a lot better in the eyes of voter.

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