Monday, October 5, 2009

In lieu of taxes, Perry is reaching for fool's gold

Arnold Garcia Jr. wrote an opinion article in the Austin American-statesman titled, "In lieu of taxes, Perry is reaching for fool's gold", on October 4, 2009. In this article Garcia brings to light that Gov. Rick Perry would like to see a constitutional amendment were a two-thirds vote, from the legislature, would be needed to raise taxes. Having lower taxes seems like it would be a great idea but Gov. Perry has essential taken this idea from California which has not seen many benefits from having lower taxes. Garcia states that lower taxes have become a burden for California.
While i understand that Gov. Perry thinks that the best thing to do is try to create lower taxes i would have to agree with Garcia's argument. Since California is already demonstrating hardships with a similar two-thirds requirement why would we risk having the same results. Garcia has made a perfect statement by saying that "California is a textbook example of how anti-tax fever can put state government in a straitjacket." Without the ability of taxing to fund various needs for the state, how else does Perry plan on obtaining this money? Although, many of us hate the
thought of having to pay taxes there is really no other better alternative, having low taxes would just mean that the government would have to find another way to make us pay, which would be extremely pointless. I agree with Garcia that this is just another way for Perry to try and appeal to more people and in the end gain more supporters for the next election. Hopefully the Texas legislature doesn't want to follow in the foot steps of California.


  1. I guess Perry's just playing the conservative role right now. Probably to ease the burden of the recession by making it difficult to raise taxes but not necessarily lowering them either, right?

  2. I completely agree with your response to this article. I think that when people hear "lower taxes" they automatically assume that it is a good thing. I would even probably be one of those people if I didn't know that California also tried lowering the taxes with not much success. With the bad economy and the other problems that our country is going through right now, politicians are probably just trying new things to help our situation. I think that alot of people don't understand that taxes are 100% necessary for a country to stay alive. Taxes are inevitable and overall, they benefit the citizens. Even though Governor Perry is suggesting this despite California's attempt to do the same thing, I don't think that he is only doing it to get votes and supporters. If he wasn;t trying something new then people would be saying that he's not doing enough.
