Wednesday, September 23, 2009

State board vows to save Christmas, Chavez

The State Board of Education (SBOE) has found itself in the news quite a bit for the past couple of weeks. The controversial subject in question has been recommendations of removing Christmas and Cesar Chavez from the Social Studies curriculum. In this article of the Austin American-Statesman some of the board members have taken a stand against these suggestions and have said that they will not allow such changes to be made in the curriculum. It is understandable that many parents who do not celebrate any of the holidays mentioned in these textbooks would want to have them removed from the curriculum and in an effort to accomadate everyone the SBOE has decided to incorperate different holidays into the textbooks along with those already mentioned. However, the thought that some see the need to remove a very important Mexican-American hero, Cesar Chavez, is not only insulting to Hispanics but to all Americans. With all the diveristy in our country, and not to mention all the Latinos in Texas, we should teach our children that people from all types of backgrounds helped shape this country into what it is today. If the changes that have been shown in this article are made to textbooks in Texas the only ones that would suffer would be our kids.